Thursday, April 26, 2007



Lack of communication can be a real pain... until you look back on it then it's funny.

I love walking in the rain.

I kinda realize that I'm not gonna be studio buddies with the same people anymore. From here on out it'll be VisComm peeps only

Thanks Katherine for being the wonderful friend you are.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday - Last week of school

Isn't it strange how you can know someone and never have a clue about what kind of problems they're dealing with? I find it saddening.

My dad used to say that nothing good happens after midnight, but I'm pretty sure most of my best conversations have happened well after...

The funny thing about the clarity of ambiguity is you doubt what you thought was so clear! I wish people could be straight up

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Alrighty then here's the next batch.

It felt like the semester was wrapping up tonight. My small group met for the last time of the semester and it felt like the last scene of a TV show... Then Danny said he was just switching channels for a few months.

I'm so grateful for the family I've been blessed with. I wouldn't trade my sister for the world. What a chill afternoon we had...

Doesn't it suck when you have different groups of friends and they don't get along with each other?

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Kickin' things off

So I've been told to put some of my photos online... Corey emphatically says I should post daily. So here goes - hopefully they'll get better all the time