Saturday, September 15, 2007


So today was a service learning day. I went with my awesome mentor group over to Clifford Court for a couple hours and had a blast. I tell ya what, there's nothing like serving others to get your focus off yourself.

Thankfully, that was exactly what I needed to get myself back to normal. Thanks God

These pics are from our trip into Chicago to look at vases for Art History. Fun. I was in Chicago twice that day cuz I had to be back for the boat cruise lol.

Mandy produces church tonight by herself for the 1st time! CCC at 6:15 for any and all interested.

Now go, find a wench, raise fat babies and live a good long life

For some reason my pics didn't show up on my last post, so here they are again...

1 comment:

Goldfish said...

YAY! I can see them! :)